Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The messy November

OK folks. I know I'm silent, but I'm still here.

First, kudos and deep bow to Ren, Jen and Pen, I mean Patrick, for showing up so regularly here. I appreciate that.

I'm now waiting to fly back from the UK, where I've just been attending the funeral of my friend Anton. Back in Canada for 3 days, before flying back to the UK for some previously scheduled client work.

So I've been battling the lack of structure and routine this month, with feeding myself partially out of my control and exercise options also a little limited - I've spent 6 days just on planes, and will have spent a grand total of 6 days in my own bed (and therefore preparing my own food.) I haven't thrown in the towel, but feel like I should hit rewind and go back 20 days to reconnect to the program and work on it from there.

(In fact Patrick, seriously, is that something I should do? I mean - for some of the exercises, I'm farcically unable to do what's asked - in particular, chin-ups. I can do 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 for the routines)

I realise I owe you a photo too, Patrick. It's coming ~

Saturday, November 13, 2010

On the road home

Just packing up in Canberra, heading to Sydney today, and then tomorrow flying back to Canada. And while it's been a fine thing to be in the same time zone as Ren and Patrick, I have to say the diet and exercise have taken a bit of a battering. "Ad hoc" would be a polite way of putting my commitment to things, which has confirmed I'm a weak, spineless man...

And - I'm missing the discipline of the eating and the exercise. The rest of the month is messy too, with two trips to the UK, but I somehow think it's going to be easier to do what I want to do, as I'll be out of the Black Hole of Temptation that is my parent's home.

And I've also had a lot of fun in Australia. So it's not all regret...

Monday, November 8, 2010

6 minutes...

...before finally stumbling on the skipping. A Personal Best. Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week.

Diet: done.

Workout: done.

Sense of moral superiority: in place.

Week 7: farce and debarcle

OK, back on line after 7 days away. Which was wonderful, but played merry havoc with my exercise and diet. Did some skipping and some stretching, but not much else. And ate... well, didn't eat well.

I'm still in Oz, but for the next week have a home base and a better chance of managing and shaping my environment to shape my behaviour. Actually really looking forward to completing a full workout, while fearing it equally.