Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 19 - the diet thing

The exercises I can keep up with - I'm doing OK with all of them and seem to be getting stronger, longer, deeper, higher, etc etc. Although my sidekicks look more like an accidental spasm than anything else.

But the diet is proving tough. Carbs beckon me from every corner, crooking their plump finger at me and enticing me into the darkness...


  1. Stick with it man, once you make it to a month, you won't be craving carbs so the mean time, try cheating: eat potatoes for your veggie. Or pumpkin!

  2. Yes, pumpkin, or butternut squash, or sweet potato!!! OMG, all soooo yummy and soooo filling.

    Seriously, do stick to it. The feeling that comes from making a commitment and following through with it is an important part of this project, at least in my view.
